
class borsar.viz.Topo(values, info, side=None, **kwargs)[source]

High-level object that allows for convenient topographic plotting.

values : numpy array

Values to topographically plot.

info : mne Info instance

Info object containing channel positions.

axes : matplotlib Axes, optional

Axes to plot in. Creates new by default. The axes handle is later available in .axis attribute.

**kwargs : any additional keyword arguments

Additional keyword arguments are passed to mne.viz.plot_topomap.

topo : borsar.viz.Topo

Topo object that exposes various useful methods like remove_levels or mark_channels.


mark_channels(chans, **kwargs) Highlight specified channels with markers.
remove_levels(lvl) Remove countour lines at specified levels.
set_linestyle(*args, **kwargs) Set specific linestyle to all contour lines.
set_linewidth(lw) Set contour lines linewidth.
solid_lines() Turn all contour lines to solid style (no dashed lines).
__init__(values, info, side=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(values, info[, side]) Initialize self.
mark_channels(chans, **kwargs) Highlight specified channels with markers.
remove_levels(lvl) Remove countour lines at specified levels.
set_linestyle(*args, **kwargs) Set specific linestyle to all contour lines.
set_linewidth(lw) Set contour lines linewidth.
solid_lines() Turn all contour lines to solid style (no dashed lines).