(values, info, side=None, **kwargs)[source]¶High-level object that allows for convenient topographic plotting.
Parameters: |
Returns: |
mark_channels (chans, **kwargs) |
Highlight specified channels with markers. |
remove_levels (lvl) |
Remove countour lines at specified levels. |
set_linestyle (*args, **kwargs) |
Set specific linestyle to all contour lines. |
set_linewidth (lw) |
Set contour lines linewidth. |
solid_lines () |
Turn all contour lines to solid style (no dashed lines). |
(values, info, side=None, **kwargs)[source]¶Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
__init__ (values, info[, side]) |
Initialize self. |
mark_channels (chans, **kwargs) |
Highlight specified channels with markers. |
remove_levels (lvl) |
Remove countour lines at specified levels. |
set_linestyle (*args, **kwargs) |
Set specific linestyle to all contour lines. |
set_linewidth (lw) |
Set contour lines linewidth. |
solid_lines () |
Turn all contour lines to solid style (no dashed lines). |