import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .channels import get_ch_pos
[docs]class Topo(object):
'''High-level object that allows for convenient topographic plotting.
values : numpy array
Values to topographically plot.
info : mne Info instance
Info object containing channel positions.
axes : matplotlib Axes, optional
Axes to plot in. Creates new by default. The axes handle is later
available in `.axis` attribute.
**kwargs : any additional keyword arguments
Additional keyword arguments are passed to `mne.viz.plot_topomap`.
topo : borsar.viz.Topo
Topo object that exposes various useful methods like `remove_levels`
or `mark_channels`.
topo = Topo(values, info, axis=ax)
topo.mark_channels([4, 5, 6], markerfacecolor='r', markersize=12)
[docs] def __init__(self, values, info, side=None, **kwargs):
from mne.viz.topomap import plot_topomap = info
self.values = values
has_axis = 'axes' in kwargs.keys()
if has_axis:
self.axis = kwargs['axes']
part = _infer_topo_part(info)
if part is not None:
info, kwargs = _construct_topo_part(info, part, kwargs)
# plot using mne's `plot_topomap`
im, lines = plot_topomap(values, info, **kwargs)
self.img = im
self.lines = lines
self.marks = list()
self.fig = im.figure
if not has_axis:
self.axis = im.axes
# get channel objects and channel positions from topo
self.chans, self.chan_pos = _extract_topo_channels(im.axes)
def remove_levels(self, lvl):
Remove countour lines at specified levels.
lvl : value | list of values
Remove contour lines at these levels.
if not isinstance(lvl, list):
lvl = [lvl]
for l in lvl:
remove_lines = np.where(self.lines.levels == l)[0]
for rem_ln in remove_lines:
for pop_ln in np.flipud(np.sort(remove_lines)):
def solid_lines(self):
'''Turn all contour lines to solid style (no dashed lines).'''
def set_linestyle(self, *args, **kwargs):
Set specific linestyle to all contour lines.
*args : arguments
Arguments are passed to `set_linestyle` of each line.
**kwargs : keyword arguments
Keyword arguments are passed to `set_linestyle` of each line.
for ln in self.lines.collections:
ln.set_linestyle(*args, **kwargs)
def set_linewidth(self, lw):
Set contour lines linewidth.
lw : int | float
Desired line width of the contour lines.
for ln in self.lines.collections:
def mark_channels(self, chans, **kwargs):
Highlight specified channels with markers.
chans : numpy array of int or bool
Channels to highlight. Integer array with channel indices or
boolean array of shape (n_channels,).
**kwargs : additional keyword arguments
Any additional keyword arguments are passed as arguments to
`plt.plot`. It is useful for defining marker properties like
`marker`, `markerfacecolor`, `markeredgecolor`, `linewidth` or
default_marker = dict(marker='o', markerfacecolor='w', markersize=8,
markeredgecolor='k', linewidth=0)
for k in kwargs.keys():
default_marker[k] = kwargs[k] # or just .update(kwargs)
# mark channels and save marks in `self.marks` list
marks = self.axis.plot(
self.chan_pos[chans, 0], self.chan_pos[chans, 1], **default_marker)
def _extract_topo_channels(ax):
Extract channel positions from mne topoplot axis.
ax : matplotlib Axes
Axis containing the topoplot.
chans : `matplotlib.patches.Circle` or `matplotlib.collections.PathCollection`
Matplotlib object representing channels. Some older mne versions use
`plt.scatter` to draw channels so the channels are marked with
`mpl.patches.Circle`. At other times `mpl.collections.PathCollection`
is being used.
chan_pos : numpy array
Numpy array of shape (n_channels, 2) representing channel positions.
First column contains the x position and second column the y position.
import matplotlib as mpl
# first, look for circles
circles = ax.findobj(mpl.patches.Circle)
if len(circles) > 0:
chans = circles
chan_pos = np.array([ for ch in chans])
# if there are no circles: look for PathCollection
path_collection = ax.findobj(mpl.collections.PathCollection)
if len(path_collection) > 0:
chans = path_collection[0]
chan_pos = chans.get_offsets()
msg = ('Could not find matplotlib objects representing channels. '
'Looked for `matplotlib.patches.Circle` and `matplotlib.'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return chans, chan_pos
def _infer_topo_part(info):
"""Infer whether a specific part of the topography should be shown.
For example when only channels on the left are shown, the right side of the
topography should be masked.
This function will be less useful once convex-hull masking is available in
ch_pos = get_ch_pos(info)
all_x_above_0 = (ch_pos[:, 0] >= 0.).all()
all_y_above_0 = (ch_pos[:, 1] >= 0.).all()
side = ''
if all_x_above_0:
side += 'right'
elif (ch_pos[:, 0] <= 0.).all():
side += 'left'
if all_y_above_0:
side = 'frontal' if len(side) == 0 else '_'.join([side, 'frontal'])
side = None if len(side) == 0 else side
return side
def _construct_topo_part(info, part, kwargs):
"""Mask part of the topography."""
from mne.viz.topomap import _check_outlines, _find_topomap_coords
# create head circle
use_skirt = kwargs.get('outlines', None) == 'skirt'
radius = 0.5 if not use_skirt else 0.65 # this does not seem to change much
ll = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 101)
head_x = np.cos(ll) * radius
head_y = np.sin(ll) * radius
mask_outlines = np.c_[head_x, head_y]
# create mask
if 'right' in part:
below_zero = mask_outlines[:, 0] < 0
removed_len = below_zero.sum()
filling = np.zeros((removed_len, 2))
filling[:, 1] = np.linspace(radius, -radius, num=removed_len)
mask_outlines[below_zero, :] = filling
elif 'left' in part:
above_zero = mask_outlines[:, 0] > 0
removed_len = above_zero.sum()
filling = np.zeros((removed_len, 2))
filling[:, 1] = np.linspace(-radius, radius, num=removed_len)
mask_outlines[above_zero, :] = filling
if 'frontal' in part:
below_zero = mask_outlines[:, 1] < 0
removed_len = below_zero.sum()
filling = np.zeros((removed_len, 2))
lo = 0. if 'right' in part else -radius
hi = 0. if 'left' in part else radius
filling[:, 0] = np.linspace(lo, hi, num=removed_len)
mask_outlines[below_zero, :] = filling
head_pos = dict(center=(0., 0.))
picks = range(len(info['ch_names']))
pos = _find_topomap_coords(info, picks=picks)
# TODO currently uses outlines='head', but should change later
outlines = kwargs.get('outlines', 'head')
pos, outlines = _check_outlines(pos, outlines=outlines,
# scale pos to min - max of the circle (the 0.425 value was hand-picked)
scale_factor = 0.425 if not use_skirt else 0.565
scale_x = scale_factor / pos[:, 0].max()
scale_y = scale_factor / np.abs(pos[:, 1]).max()
pos[:, 0] *= scale_x
pos[:, 1] *= scale_y
outlines['mask_pos'] = (mask_outlines[:, 0], mask_outlines[:, 1])
kwargs.update(dict(outlines=outlines, head_pos=head_pos))
info = pos
return info, kwargs