Source code for borsar.stats

import numpy as np
import scipy

[docs]def compute_regression_t(data, preds, return_p=False): '''Compute regression t values for whole multidimensional data space. Parameters ---------- data : numpy array of shape (observations, ...) Data to perform regression on. Frist dimension represents observations (for example trials or subjects). preds : numpy array of shape (observations, predictors) Predictor array to use in regression. return_p : bool If True - also return p values. Defaults to False. Returns ------- t_vals : numpy array of shape (predictors, ...) T values for all predictors for the original data space. p_vals : numpy array of shape (predictors, ...) P values for all predictors for the original data space. ''' n_obs = data.shape[0] if preds.ndim == 1: preds = np.atleast_2d(preds).T # add constant term if not (preds[:, 0] == 1).all(): preds = np.concatenate([np.ones((n_obs, 1)), preds], axis=1) n_preds = preds.shape[1] assert n_obs == preds.shape[0], ('preds must have the same number of rows' ' as the size of first data dimension (observations).') df = n_obs - n_preds original_shape = data.shape data = data.reshape((original_shape[0],[1:]))) coefs, _, _, _ = scipy.linalg.lstsq(preds, data) prediction = (preds[:, :, np.newaxis] * coefs[np.newaxis, :] ).sum(axis=1) MSE = (((data - prediction) ** 2).sum(axis=0, keepdims=True) / df) SE = np.sqrt(MSE * np.diag(np.linalg.inv(preds.T @ preds))[:, np.newaxis]) t_vals = (coefs / SE).reshape([n_preds, *original_shape[1:]]) if return_p: from scipy.stats import t p_vals = t.cdf(-np.abs(t_vals), df) * 2. return t_vals, p_vals else: return t_vals
[docs]def format_pvalue(pvalue): '''Format p value according to APA rules.''' if pvalue >= .001: return 'p = {:.3f}'.format(pvalue) else: powers = 10 ** np.arange(-3, -26, step=-1, dtype='float') which_power = np.where(pvalue < powers)[0][-1] if which_power < 2: return 'p < {}'.format(['0.001', '0.0001'][which_power]) else: return 'p < {}'.format(str(powers[which_power]))