Source code for borsar.freq

import numpy as np
from .utils import valid_windows

[docs]def compute_rest_psd(raw, events=None, event_id=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, winlen=2., step=0.5): ''' Compute power spectral density (psd) for given time segments for all channels of given raw file. The segments (if more than one) are averaged taking into account the artifact-free range of each segment. Signal during _BAD annotations (parts of signal marked as artifacts) is excluded by default in `mne.time_frequency.psd_welch` which can lead to some segments 'donating' more data than others. This has to be taken into account during segments averaging - so the segments are weighted with the percentage of welch windows that had artifact free data (and thus were not rejected in `mne.time_frequency.psd_welch`). Parameters ---------- raw: mne.Raw Raw file to use. events: numpy array | None Mne events array of shape (n_events, 3). If None (default) `tmin` and `tmax` are not calculated with respect to events but the whole time range of the `raw` file. event_id: list | numpy array Event types to use in defining segments for which psd is computed. If None (default) and events were passed all event types are used. tmin: float Lower edge of each segment in seconds. If events are given the lower edge is with respect to each event. If events are not given only one segment is used and `tmin` denotes the lower edge of the whole `raw` file. tmax: float Higher edge of each segment in seconds. If events are given the higher edge is with respect to each event. If events are not given only one segment is used and `tmax` denotes the higher edge of the whole `raw` file. winlen: float Length of the welch window in seconds. step: float Step of the welch window in seconds. Returns ------- psd : numpy array Power spectral density in <FIX: check shape> matrix. freq : numpy array Frequencies for which psd was calculated. ''' from mne.time_frequency import psd_welch sfreq =['sfreq'] n_fft = int(round(winlen * sfreq)) n_overlap = n_fft - int(round(step * sfreq)) if events is not None: # select events got_event_id = event_id is not None if got_event_id: if isinstance(event_id, int): event_id = [event_id] else: event_id = np.unique(events[:, -1]) events_of_interest = np.in1d(events[:, -1], event_id) events = events[events_of_interest] psd_dict = {ev: list() for ev in event_id} psd_weights = {ev: list() for ev in event_id} for event_idx in range(events.shape[0]): # find event type, define tmin and tmax based on event event_type = events[event_idx, -1] event_onset = events[event_idx, 0] / sfreq this_tmin = event_onset + tmin this_tmax = event_onset + tmax # compute psd for given segment, then add to psd_dict this_psd, freq = psd_welch(raw, n_fft=n_fft, n_overlap=n_overlap, tmin=this_tmin, tmax=this_tmax) psd_dict[event_type].append(this_psd) # compute percent of windows that do not overlap with artifacts # these constitute weights used in averaging weight = (valid_windows(raw, tmin=this_tmin, tmax=this_tmax, winlen=winlen, step=step)).mean() psd_weights[event_type].append(weight) # use np.average() with weights to compute wieghted average psd = {k: np.average(np.stack(psd_dict[k], axis=0), weights=psd_weights[k], axis=0) for k in psd_dict.keys()} if len(event_id) == 1 and got_event_id: psd = psd[event_id[0]] return psd, freq else: # use only tmin, tmax, a lot easier return psd_welch(raw, n_fft=n_fft, n_overlap=n_overlap, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)