Source code for borsar.csd

import numpy as np

[docs]def current_source_density(inst, G, H, smoothing=1.0e-5, head_radius=1.): ''' Compute current source density for given mne object instance. Note that this function works in-place. Parameters ---------- inst : mne object instance Raw or Epochs data. G : numpy matrix G matrix. H : numpy matrix H matrix. smoothing : float CSD smoothing. Defaults to 1.0e-5. head_radius : float Radius of the head sphere. Returns ------- inst : mne object instance The data with CSD reference. ''' import mne from mne.utils import _get_inst_data data = _get_inst_data(inst) got_epochs = isinstance(inst, mne.Epochs) if got_epochs: n_epochs, n_channels, n_times = data.shape else: n_channels, n_times = data.shape # ensure the data is average referenced inst.set_eeg_reference('average', projection=False) # apply current source density data = _current_source_density(data, G, H, smoothing, head_radius) if not isinstance(inst, mne.Evoked): inst._data = data else: = data return inst
def _current_source_density(data, G, H, smoothing=1.0e-5, head_radius=1.): '''Python implementation of CSD.m from Matlab CSD toolbox.''' # FIXME add checks for G and H sizes n_channels, n_times = data.shape # average reference data -= data.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) # check if bads exist and interpolate if necessary (or throw an error) # add lambda smoothing to the diagonal G = G + np.diag(np.ones(G.shape[0]) * smoothing) G_inv = np.linalg.inv(G) G_inv_row_sum = G_inv.sum(axis=1) G_inv_sum = G_inv_row_sum.sum() for idx in range(n_times): Cp =, data[:, idx]) c0 = Cp.sum() / G_inv_sum C = Cp -, G_inv_row_sum.T) # for ch_idx in range(n_channels): # data[ch_idx, idx] = (C * H[ch_idx].T).sum() / head_radius data[:, idx] =, H) / head_radius return data